Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Minituare Zippo

While visiting my aunt's sport merchandise shop last year, I spotted a nice minituare zippo displayed in her shop. It is not a real zippo of course, just a replica. The replica was a attached to a key chain. Anyway I just remove the key chain from it.

Because she knows me as a zippo collector, she just gave the minituare zippo as a gift.

Anyway here it is. I have 2 pictures, the first one is to compare the size of the minituare to a real sized zippo and the second picture one is the inside of it.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Terengganu Classic

Lucky me, I got this really worned out lighter at Pasar Payang Terengganu. There is this old man selling old and discarded items, like old watch, coins and this really cool lighter.

I haggle with him for the lighter, and got it for only RM2.00.

While I was showing the lighter to my brother, he like the lighter that he almost offer me to buy it for RM30.00. However, I never resell my collection. This will go the special box of lighter I have at my room.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Austrian Knight

I am writing again (hopefully no more long months of delay…). I should not put this kind of excuses after a long delay in updating this blog; excuses like, I am too busy to update the blog,….a lot of things happening in my life now.. errr oil prices gone up like 40%..... my machine got struck by lightning….. just got into a new job good pay but pretty stress like *&^% … a lot of the people done like the prime minister….

Anyway, here is a lighter that I ask my cousin to buy when her family went for a holiday in Austria.

A zippo with the Austrian’s coat of arms. I am just imagining those old European knights in the war horse ..smoking cigar, lighting up the cigar with the metal plate zippo with their metal plate gauntlet…. (please ignore this fantasy)

Anyway here it is.